Delivery Stats

GGhey Order delivery statistics

Order delivery statistics are data and information concerning the status of delivery of orders by customers. They give useful information on the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery process as well as showing areas in which betterment can be made. The order Delivery time, Completion rate, Customer satisfaction among other indicators are some of GGhey's order delivery statistics. Therefore, it is through these data indicators that we can reveal how fast GGhey delivers its orders.



Week Total <5Mins 5~30Mins 30~60Mins >2Hours
Mon 188 133 35 13 7
Tue 168 97 50 20 1
Wed 176 128 32 12 4
Thu 226 163 34 20 9
Fri 258 182 47 18 11
Sat 159 101 35 12 11
Sun 206 151 32 15 8


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