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Making Poe Currency With Sextant Rolling Guides

Sextant rolling has emerged as a highly effective method for amassing currency in Path of Exile. With recent game enhancements and the availability of essential tools like the JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet and the Poe Stack bulk trading tool, making PoE currency through sextant rolling has never been easier. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the fundamentals of sextant rolling, how to identify the most profitable compasses to roll, and how to efficiently use the Poe Stack bulk trading tool to sell your rolled sextants.


Making Poe Currency With Sextant Rolling Guides



What is Sextant Rolling?

Sextant rolling is a technique in Path of Exile where players use sextants to apply modifiers to their maps. These modifiers can significantly alter the outcome of map runs, potentially increasing the rewards and profits gained from each run.


Tools You Need

Before diving into sextant rolling, make sure you have the following tools at your disposal:

  • Compasses: The foundation of sextant rolling.
  • JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet: An automated tool that calculates the value and profit margin of rolled sextants.
  • Poe Stack Bulk Trading Tool: A valuable tool for selling multiple sextants at once.


Purchasing Compasses

  • Optimal Pricing: To begin, you'll need to acquire compasses from the trade website. While compass prices can vary, a common and profitable option is to buy them at around 3.5 chaos per compass. This price range allows for maximum profit, as awakened sextants rolled from these compasses often fetch higher prices in the market.
  • Maximizing Profit: Always consider your budget and available resources when purchasing compasses. Avoid overspending, as it may affect your overall profit margins. Wise spending ensures you have the means to roll more sextants and increase your potential earnings.


Rolling Sextants

  • Manual Rolling vs. Automated Tools: Rolling sextants manually can be time-consuming and tedious, especially when working with a large number of sextants. This is where the JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet proves invaluable. This automated tool calculates the value of each sextant based on the possible mods it can roll and provides a profit margin for each one. It simplifies the process, helping you identify the most profitable sextants and saving you time.
  • The JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet: To use the JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet effectively, input your sextant mods, and let the tool do the math. This enables you to make informed decisions about which sextants to roll and when to sell them.


Selling Your Sextants

  • The Poe Stack Bulk Trading Tool: The Poe Stack bulk trading tool is an essential asset for selling your sextants. It allows you to post your stash tab on the Forbidden Trove Discord server and set a bulk price for your sextants. This means you can sell multiple sextants simultaneously, eliminating the need to manually list each one. This tool streamlines the selling process, saving you time and effort.
  • Setting Competitive Prices: When using the Poe Stack bulk trading tool, it's crucial to set reasonable bulk prices for your sextants. Consider current market prices and the profit margins calculated using the JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet. Competitive pricing attracts more buyers and facilitates faster sales.


Optimizing Your Strategy

Choosing Maps with Valuable Modifiers: To further optimize your sextant rolling strategy, use sextants on maps with valuable modifiers in high demand among players. This increases the value of the awakened sextants you roll, enhancing your potential profits. Stay attuned to the current meta and popular farming locations, as they can influence the demand for specific sextants and impact their prices.



In summary, sextant rolling presents a lucrative opportunity for generating Poe currency in Path of Exile. By leveraging tools like the JMS Sextant Pricing Sheet and the Poe Stack bulk trading tool, you can streamline the process and maximize your profits. With practice and a keen eye on market trends, you can become a skilled sextant roller and accumulate significant wealth in the game. Best of luck, and may your compasses always guide you to profit!

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