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PoE 3.21 Powerful Toxic Rain and Ballista Pathfinder Build

Greetings, Exiles! Today we're diving deep into the endgame upgrades for the Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder in Path of Exile's 3.21 Crucible league. Whether you're starting fresh or looking to optimize your build, this guide will help you understand the key upgrades and improvements to keep your Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder performing at its best. Remember that these upgrade suggestions are based on previous league data and are subject to change in the new league.



PoE 3.21 Powerful Toxic Rain and Ballista Pathfinder Build




Build Overview

Before we delve into the upgrades, let's recap the Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder build. Toxic Rain is known for its damage over time (DoT) playstyle, and with the right upgrades, it can shine in endgame content. We're focusing on clever itemization to ensure the build remains potent even beyond the initial stages.


Upgrades Overview

It's important to note that Toxic Rain doesn't fall off immediately after 10 Divine Orbs budget upgrades. In fact, you can continue upgrading up to around 100 Divines for substantial improvements. This guide outlines key upgrades, including gem levels, gear enhancements, and passive tree adjustments.


Gem Upgrades

  • Toxic Rain Gem (Level 21): Upgrade your Toxic Rain gem to level 21 for increased damage.
  • Empower Support Gem (Level 4): Upgrade Empower to level 4 for a significant boost in damage.
  • Awakened Vicious Projectiles: This gem provides more damage compared to the regular version.
  • Awakened Void Manipulation: This gem offers both damage and an additional level to support gems.
  • Enlighten Support Gem: Use Enlighten with Willem's Requital helmet enchantment to free up small cluster jewel slots and grant extra passive points.


Gear Upgrades

  • Willem's Requital (Helmet Enchantment): Get the Willem's Requital helmet with the proper enchantment for increased damage and extra jewel slots.
  • Thicket Bow: Upgrade your bow to a +3 bow with appropriate mods for enhanced damage.
  • Watcher's Eye: Look for a Watcher's Eye with Vitality flask regeneration and a second useful mod that compliments your build.
  • Progeny's Embrace: A game-changing flask that converts damage taken to DoT and provides chaos resistance.
  • Stygian Vise (Flask Mod): Craft a Stygian Vise with flask effect duration and other useful mods like life and strength.


Passive Tree Adjustments

PoE 3.21 Powerful Toxic Rain and Ballista Pathfinder Build Passive Tree Screenshot

  • Shrieking Bolts (Medium Cluster Jewel): Add a medium cluster jewel to taunt enemies, increasing your overall damage output.
  • Life and Strength Nodes: Allocate nodes on the passive tree that increase life and help you meet strength requirements for gear.


Prioritizing Upgrades

When deciding on which upgrades to prioritize, consider your budget, gear gaps, and playstyle preferences. Here's a general order of priority:

  • Progeny's Embrace: If your budget allows, invest in this flask early for significant survivability and damage conversion.
  • Empower 4 and Awakened Gems: Enhance your main gems for higher damage output.
  • Thicket Bow: Upgrade your bow for a substantial damage boost and compensate for lost projectile speed.
  • Helmet Enchantment (Willem's Requital): Obtain the helmet enchantment to unlock additional passive points and bolster your build.
  • Awakened Vicious Projectiles and Awakened Void Manipulation: Strengthen your gems for more damage and utility.
  • Watcher's Eye and Stygian Vise: Enhance your flasks and gear with valuable mods.
  • Shrieking Bolts (Medium Cluster Jewel): Add a medium cluster jewel for extra damage through taunting enemies.


Playstyle Considerations

Keep in mind that Toxic Rain's DoT playstyle requires strategic positioning and careful management of your abilities. It's essential to maintain a balance between offense and defense. For endgame content, consider studying other players' builds on sites like PoE Ninja to learn from their approaches and adapt your build accordingly.



With these endgame upgrade recommendations, your Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder build can maintain its potency well beyond the early stages of the league. Adapt and optimize based on your budget, playstyle, and the evolving meta. Whether you're aiming to tackle challenging content or push for level 100, these upgrades will help you unleash the true potential of your Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder. Best of luck, Exiles! See you in Wraeclast!

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