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New World Incoming Big Update: Server Merges and May Surprises?

Greetings Aeternum adventurers! Read on to discover the latest scoop on upcoming New World server merges in 2024 and the rumors circulating of a major update that could be released in May. Furthermore, learn about game enhancements, bug fixes and more!


New World Incoming Big Update: Server Merges and May Surprises?


January News

Server mergers are first up on the agenda. In Europe, Hercules will be merging with Canis whereas in US East Oran and Poock are joining forces with Octans. You should not expect a population explosion as low pop servers clasp hands to ensure stability rather than an influx. Why not merge into the bigger ones? The small-server charm is loved by certain gamers and Amazon Games appears to appreciate it.


UPDATE(?) in May

Now let us get to the juicy part. Game Director Scott Lane dropped quite the line that has had rumor mills spinning like crazy since then. He implied there would be "no new content until May", but then added a twist that was expected to happen in "big update". So does this mean that there may be other things apart from just news coming out in May? Perhaps, those less crowded servers might become a strategic factor if crossplay is approaching. Wait and see this unfolds!


Respec for Azoth Instead of Gold?

Developers are discussing whether or not they should switch respec costs from new world gold to Azoth. Respecs suck a lot of gold (12% precisely), so they are weighing their options. This current system can be brutal on both newcomers and multi-role enthusiasts alike. Therefore, an Azoth-based model could be warranted for fair play? It's all still being debated.


Raid Replayability & Old Content

The old raids are getting boring? The devs acknowledge it without giving a timeline for revamping them yet. The Hatchery's rewards are not cutting it and the plan could change so as to keep this seasonal content afloat with some TLC.


Gear Upgrades

Two locked perks gear system with random third is winning the hearts of devs. In the future, expect more gears that will have a mix of surety and surprise.


Boltcaster Bug Fix

It took a long time to fix the infamous Boltcaster scaling bug for which it was heavily criticized. However, given that it was only discovered over the festive period and there will be complexities surrounding artifact adjustments, the response time was not very slow.


Hacking & Aimbots

Hacking is something we all expect in online games but New World's team is quite watchful. Hardware bans and collaboration with Easy Anti-Cheat are just some of their efforts to make sure that play remains fair and fun.


Influence Race Balance

Balancing open-world races is challenging. Developers concentrate more on faction balance rather than manipulating individual races. They believe that good gameplay should incentivize bigger groups naturally.


MSQ Bugs

The development team has got Main Story Quest (MSQ) bugs on its radar. Although they have addressed many issues, they are looking for feedback from gamers to kill off remaining pests in this regard. Please continue reporting those bugs!


Arena Rewards?

Regrettably, during the Q&A session no additional info regarding Arena rewards was revealed. Therefore if you have any burning questions for the next one don't miss out on asking them!


Final Thoughts

Looks like May will be an exciting month, what with server merges, maybe leading to updates and improvements. Like, share and subscribe for more videos and don’t forget to turn on post notifications. Any contributions would be warmly appreciated in the Patreon account in form of early trading tips.

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