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Path of Exile Mapping Guides for Beginners

Mapping is an essential and highly rewarding aspect of Path of Exile, where you explore various regions and defeat powerful enemies to acquire valuable loot and level up your character. While Poe mapping can be exciting, it can also be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially for new players. Now, we'll provide you with a step-by-step walkthrough, tips, and tricks to improve your mapping efficiency and ensure that you make the most out of your time in Wraeclast.



Path of Exile Mapping Guides for Beginners



Affinities are a fantastic feature in Path of Exile that allows you to transfer items from one tab to another quickly. To make the most of this feature, keep the following in mind:


Control + Shift + Click Shortcut: If you want to bypass affinities and send items directly to a specific tab, use the control + shift + click shortcut. This is particularly helpful when you want to swiftly deposit items you don't wish to keep.


Dump Tabs

Dump tabs are a great way to enhance your mapping efficiency:


Use Dedicated Tabs: Create specific tabs in your stash where you can dump all the items you pick up during a map run. Sorting through them can be done at a later time when you have more leisure. This approach saves valuable time during a map, allowing you to focus on slaying monsters and moving forward.



Filters are your best friend when it comes to optimizing your mapping efficiency:


Use Item Filters: Implementing an item filter is crucial. These filters highlight valuable items while concealing low-value ones. With a well-configured filter, you can swiftly scan through items and pick up only those worth keeping. When starting out, it's advisable to use a strict filter to help you discern valuable items from the rest.


Baseline Gear

Efficient item acquisition hinges on your current gear:


Consider Your Gear: Pay attention to your character's current gear. Once you have established a solid baseline gear setup, you may not need to pick up every single item you come across. Instead, focus on items with the potential for upgrades. This strategy will save you time and enhance your overall efficiency.


Boss Drops

Bosses can drop valuable items, so maximize your loot:


Hold Down the Alt Key: After defeating a boss, hold down the Alt key to highlight all the items that have dropped. This makes it easier to quickly identify valuable items worth keeping. Pay particular attention to six-socket items and valuable base items that you can sell for Poe currency.


Rolling Maps

Efficiency in map running is essential:


Roll Multiple Maps: Instead of running one map at a time, consider rolling several maps in advance. This streamlines the process and saves you from spending too much time rolling maps between runs. Plan your map pool efficiently to keep the action flowing.



Improving your mapping efficiency in Path of Exile is a skill that develops over time with practice. By implementing the tips and tricks provided in this guide, you can significantly speed up your map runs, enhance your loot collection, and ultimately make your journey in Wraeclast more enjoyable and rewarding. 

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