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What special terms are commonly used in FFXIV, 2023?

Embarking on a journey through the captivating realm of Final Fantasy XIV in 2023 brings you face-to-face with a unique tapestry of terminology and concepts. Understanding the special terms that pepper FFXIV's vibrant community is essential. This guide unravels the complexities behind these terms, unveiling their significance mechanics and strategy. From the cornerstone of the Global Cooldown to the art of OGCD weaving and the nuances of raid dynamics, this guide empowers you with the knowledge to navigate Eorzea's challenges with confidence and camaraderie.


What special terms are commonly used in FFXIV, 2023?


GCD - Global Cooldown

At the core of combat mechanics in FFXIV is the Global Cooldown, commonly referred to as GCD. This represents the base cooldown of 2.5 seconds shared by all weapon skills and spells. While certain abilities possess unique cooldowns, others are gated behind a gauge requirement. Altering your skill or spell speed stat can lead to a reduction in the global cooldown's duration.


ABC - Always be Casting

ABC, an acronym for Always Be Casting, is a fundamental principle applicable to all classes, encompassing both melee and casting roles. The essence of this concept is maintaining a continuous stream of casting spells or utilizing weapon skills whenever a target is available. Even during periods of phase downtime, it's crucial to engage in actions such as resource builders or abilities that are advantageous to your chosen role.


OGCD - Off Global Cooldown

OGCD, standing for Off-Global Cooldown, pertains to abilities that remain unaffected by the global cooldown. These abilities, also known as off-GCD abilities or simply "abilities," have their own individual cooldowns. This category comprises defensive cooldowns, healing abilities, and damaging abilities that can be executed independently of the global cooldown.


Raid Buffs

Raid buffs refer to abilities designed to enhance the entire party's damage output, achieved by either amplifying party members or weakening enemies. Employed on a two-minute cooldown, these buffs play a pivotal role in maximizing the effectiveness of the party's attacks. Examples of raid buffs encompass Scholar's Chain Stratagem, Astrologian's Divination, Monk's Brotherhood, and a plethora of others that greatly influence battle dynamics.


AoE - Area of Effect

AOE, an abbreviation of Area of Effect, designates abilities or attacks impacting a specific area encompassing both players and adversaries. AOE attacks can be classified into two categories: avoidable and unavoidable. Avoidable AOEs are discernible by visual effects and can be dodged by relocating outside the affected area. Unavoidable AOEs, also known as raid wides, target the entire raid group, rendering evasion impossible.


These are just a few examples of the intricate terminology woven into the fabric of FFXIV. To delve deeper into this linguistic tapestry, let's explore additional terms that enrich your understanding of the game's mechanics and strategic intricacies.


Stacks, Spreads, Pairs, and Light Parties

These terms encapsulate specific mechanics dictating the arrangement and grouping of players, each with a unique role in tactical execution.

Stacks Stacks necessitate the congregation of the entire party or specific groups in close proximity to share or mitigate incoming damage, fostering a collective approach to survival.
Spreads Spreads mandate that all players disperse to preordained positions across the arena. This tactic minimizes vulnerability to mechanics like cleaves or circular AOEs by evenly distributing players.
Pairs Pair-based mechanics target particular groups, aligning supports with DPS players before an encounter commences. These partnerships, based on groupings or colored pairs, ensure synergy between roles.
Light Parties Comprising four players—consisting of a tank, a healer, and two DPS—light parties, designated as Group 1 (MT/OT/H1/M1/R1) and Group 2 (MT/OT/H2/M2/R2), are instrumental in executing mechanics requiring strategic coordination.



Baiting involves deliberately positioning oneself to attract a boss or enemy's attention, thereby triggering a mechanic aimed at a specific player.


Personals and Party Mitigation

These terms revolve around abilities geared towards self-healing and damage mitigation, crucial for both individual and collective survival.

  • Personals: Characterized by abilities that heal or mitigate self-inflicted damage, personals offer supplementary healing or reduce incoming damage. Examples encompass Second Wind, Bloodbath, Monk's Riddle of Earth, and more.
  • Party Mitigation: Parallel to personals but applied to the entire party, these abilities function as bulwarks against high-damage instances like raid wides, stacks, or spreads. Tank abilities like Reprisal and DPS abilities such as Troubadour exemplify this category.


Opener and Burst Windows

An opener refers to a specific ability sequence utilized at the outset of combat to maximize damage output. Burst windows denote time intervals during encounters designated for deploying potent abilities and buffs, resulting in considerable damage infliction.



Drifting occurs when abilities or buffs fall out of sync with your rotation or party strategy, leading to diminished damage potential. Maintaining alignment and rectifying drifts during downtime is essential to optimal performance.


OGCD Weaving and GCD Clipping

OGCD weaving denotes interleaving off-GCD abilities between global cooldowns. Melee jobs and tanks can usually incorporate two OGCDs between each GCD window, while casters and healers can include around one OGCD per cast. GCD clipping arises when excessive OGCD usage or delayed execution interferes with the global cooldown, leading to potency loss and warranting caution.


Slide Casting and Max Melee

Slide casting empowers casters and healers to move near the end of a cast without interruption. This advanced technique, when mastered, mitigates the need to cancel spells during movement. Conversely, max melee denotes the optimal distance for melee DPS and tanks to engage enemies while remaining within striking range.


Kitchen Sinking

Kitchen sinking pertains to a strategy wherein tanks or healers employ all available defensive cooldowns simultaneously to mitigate incoming damage. Though effective in certain scenarios, this tactic is generally discouraged, favouring the distribution of cooldowns throughout encounters.



By immersing yourself in the rich lexicon of FFXIV, you unlock the doors to enhanced gameplay comprehension and collaboration with the vibrant FFXIV community. Armed with this knowledge, you're poised to master Eorzea's challenges and emerge as a stalwart adventurer in this mesmerizing virtual realm. Seize the opportunity to hone your skills, engage in camaraderie, and etch your name into the annals of FFXIV history!

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