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Guild Wars 2 Every Class 2024 Guide: How to Pick the Right For You?

In the vast world that Guild Wars 2 is, choosing your class is very important. We will examine every class in detail, which one is the best choice for you. In this article, we would be considering each class’ mechanics, traits, weapons and play styles as well as elite specializations.



Guild Wars 2 Every Class 2024 Guide: How to Pick the Right For You?



The warrior offers a visceral mix of aggressive combat and versatility. Whether you want to bring the pain with a greatsword or support your allies, there is a playstyle for you among warriors.

  • Role: A Fighter, Barbarian or Berserker is often seen in this class.
  • Playstyle: They fight directly and inflict high physical damage.
  • Specializations: Core Warrior, Berserker, Spellbreaker, Bladesworn.


Guild Wars 2 Warrior 2024 Guide


Core Mechanic: Adrenaline

  • Function: It gets filled up through fights and expended with powerful 'burst' attacks.
  • Burst Skills: These are more potent when one has more adrenaline. Each weapon has its own burst skill.
  • Adrenaline Management: Swapping weapons with full adrenaline allows for instant burst skill use.


Trait Lines

  • Strength: Boosts dodging, physical skills and greatsword proficiency.
  • Arms: Improves critical hits as well as condition damage.
  • Defense: Concentrates on mitigating damage while also countering attacks made against him/her/it/them.
  • Tactics: Helps support allies/self heal
  • Discipline: Increases weapon swapping speed and adrenaline gain rate.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Versatility: Most number of different weapons to be used in game play.
  • Two-Handed: Greatsword, Hammer, Longbow, Rifle.
  • Main Hand: Axe, Mace, Sword.
  • Off-Hand: Axe, Mace Shield Warhorn Sword.
  • Elite Specializations:Add Dagger Torch Pistol, and upcoming Staff.


General Playstyle

  • Role Adaptability: It can play different roles from damage dealer to support.
  • Weapon Synergy: Using weapons together for effective fighting strategies.
  • Burst Skill Utilization: Appropriate timing and adrenaline management for maximum effect.


Leveling Tips

  • Experiment with Weapons: Find your preferred style and synergies.
  • Adrenaline Management: Properly use burst skills.
  • Signet Skills: Signet abilities are great for beginners as they offer passive buffs.


Gear Selection

  • Strike Damage Focus: Berserker's or Assassin's equipment set.
  • Condition Damage Option: Grieving or Viper's gear for sword or longbow usage.


Elite Specializations

  • Berserker (Heart of Thorns): Offensive powerhouse with Berserk mode and Primal Burst skills. Torch is introduced as a new weapon.
  • Spellbreaker (Path of Fire): Stripping boons and counter-attacks, including Full Counter. The new weapon is dual daggers.
  • Bladesworn (End of Dragons): Unique Gunsaber mechanic and Dragon Trigger for high-impact attacks. A new off hand weapon will be pistol.



The Guardian is a versatile class with great power that can fit into many roles in the game. They are an optimal choice for any beginner because of their damage dealing abilities and defensive capabilities. 

  • Role: Often seen as the protector, embodying justice and courage.
  • Playstyle: Defensive, with a focus on buffs and damage mitigation.


Guild Wars 2 Guardian 2024 Guide


Core Mechanic: Virtues

  • Function: Those virtues bring unending advantages such as burning foes, self-healing, and blocking next attack through Aegis effects when it comes to this class.
  • Active Abilities Enhance the virtues for stronger effects and team support.
  • Customization Traits that alter virtues during combats


Trait Lines

  • Zeal Boosts damage output while applying vulnerability.
  • Radiance Enhances burning and critical strikes.
  • Honor Healing, dodging and protection become the primary attributes for this trait line.
  • Valor Blocking in particular, but also general damage mitigation are improved by these traits.
  • Virtues These strengths of the character can be enhanced further with some new effects of virtues.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Variety: A combination of weapons that are good for both defending oneself and causing harm to others.
  • Two-Handed: Greatsword, Hammer, Staff.
  • Main Hand: Mace, Sword, Scepter.
  • Off-Hand: Focus, Shield, Torch.
  • Elite Specializations Add Longbow Axe Mainhand Sword Dual Pistols is being added next. 


Playstyle Overview

  • There is an option for players to choose between being a healer, damage dealer or buffer.
  • It can easily block and mitigate incoming damage excellently.
  • Supports the group by giving them advantages and treating their injuries accordingly.


Leveling Tips

  • Timing master of Aegis and other defensive skills while blocking and countering.
  • Efficient use of weapon symbols for buffs or damage.
  • Guardians are best in teams, for they offer a lot of support. 


Gear Selection

  • A Celestial stat line for a mix of offense and defense.
  • Damage-focused builds can go for Berserker's or  Grieving options.
  • Defensive/supportive gear with healing and concentration stats like Carrion or supportive gear that focuses on healing abilities and concentration stats.


Elite Specializations

  • Dragon Hunter (Heart of Thorns): Adds Longbow, focuses on trapping and ranged combat. Changes virtues to be more offensive.
  • Firebrand (Path of Fire): Introduces Axe, offers supportive tomes and mantras. Excellent for quickness and condition damage.
  • Willbender (End of Dragons): Brings in the offhand sword, focuses on agility and fast-paced melee combat.




The Revenant offers a unique and thrilling experience, blending mystic arts with martial prowess. This class is perfect for players who enjoy dynamic combat, strategic resource management, and the versatility to adapt to various situations.

  • Role: Master of the Mists, capable of harnessing legendary powers.
  • Playstyle: Dynamic and versatile, balancing energy and legend abilities.


Guild Wars 2 Revenant 2024 Guide


Core Mechanic: Legends & Energy

  • Legends: Channel spirits of legendary figures, each with unique abilities.
  • Energy Bar: Powers skills and abilities, requires strategic management.
  • Effective Play: Balancing energy consumption and regeneration is key.


Trait Lines

  • Corruption (Demon Stance): Enhances torment and condition damage.
  • Retribution (Dwarf Stance): Improves damage reduction and vigor.
  • Salvation (Centaur Stance): Boosts healing and supportive boons.
  • Devastation (Assassin Stance): Focus on damage application as well as vulnerability .
  • Invocation: Enhances legend swapping, granting Fury and other boons.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Two-Handed: Hammer (ranged control) and Staff (close-range support).
  • One-Handed Main: Mace (condition damage), Sword (melee damage).
  • One-Handed Off-Hand: Axe (conditions and control), Sword (high damage).
  • Elite Specializations: Add Scepter (supportive melee) and Greatsword (high damage).


Playstyle Overview

  • Fast-Paced Combat: Agile and quick; strikes are powerful while conditions are impactful. 
  • Legend Swapping: Flexibility in combat through changing legends. 
  • Energy Management: Key to maximizing potential and staying effective. 


Leveling Tips

  • Energy Awareness: Learn how to manage energy for skill effectiveness. 
  • Legend Diversity: Benefit from switching legends often during combat. 
  • Build Exploration: Try many different legend combinations. 


Gear Selection

  • Power Builds: Berserker's or Marauder's gear for damage-focused builds.
  • Condition Builds: Viper's gear for condition damage setups.
  • Balanced Gear: Celestial stat line for a well-rounded approach.


Elite Specializations

  • Herald (Heart of Thorns): Adds Glint, focusing on facets and supportive auras. Wields a shield for defense.
  • Renegade (Path of Fire): Channels Kalla Scorchrazor for warband summons and condition damage. Utilizes shortbow.
  • Vindicator (End of Dragons): Merges Luxon and Kurzick legends for a dual playstyle. Wields greatsword heavy strikes.



The Ranger offers an immersive experience, balancing the beauty of nature with the thrill of combat. Whether aiding allies with healing and support or striking foes with deadly precision, the Ranger stands as a versatile and engaging class.

  • Role: Harmonizing with nature, excelling in ranged combat, and pet companionship.
  • Playstyle: Adaptable, ranging from supportive and healing to aggressive and damage-focused.


Guild Wars 2 Ranger 2024 Guide


Core Mechanics: Pets

  • Pets: A large selection of animal companions each having unique skills. 
  • Pet Control: Switch between active and stowed pets; crucial in combat.
  • Energy & Synergy: Manage pets tactically for effective combat support.


Trait Lines

  • Marksmanship: Enhances ranged attack prowess, especially with the longbow.
  • Skirmishing: Concentrates on critical strikes as well as agile condition-based fighting.
  • Wilderness Survival Enhances defensive capability in addition to removing conditions.
  • Nature Magic Increases healing capabilities facilitating regeneration while supporting team-mates .
  • Beast Mastery Boosts pet effectiveness while working well with greatsword.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Two-Handed Greatsword melee Longbow ranged Shortbow agile.
  • One-Handed Main Axe ranged Sword melee Dagger condition focused.
  • One-Handed Off-Hand Axe Dagger Torch burning Warhorn support.
  • Elite Specializations Staff supportive healing Hammer control.


Playstyle Overview   

  • Versatility Adapts to various combat scenarios with diverse weapon choices.
  • Pet Management Mastering pet control is essential for effective gameplay.
  • Ranged & Melee Excels in both ranged assaults and close-quarter combat.


Leveling Tips

  • Pet Awareness Learn how to manage pets for maximum combat efficiency.
  • Experiment with Builds: Try different weapon and trait combinations.
  • Keep an Eye for Pets: Tame new juvenile pets for a wider pet arsenal.


Gear Selection

  • Offensive Builds: Opt for Berserker or Viper gear sets.
  • Defensive/Survival Builds: Consider gear with toughness or celestial stats.


Elite Specializations

  • Druid (Heart of Thorns): Transforms into Celestial Avatar for healing, uses Staff.
  • Soulbeast (Path of Fire): Merges with pets for enhanced abilities, wields Dagger.
  • Untamed (End of Dragons): Harnesses wild energy, toggles between unleashing ranger or pet, uses Hammer.



Thief is one of the most exciting classes in GW2 that requires quick thinking and a sense of tactics. On the field, thieves are fearsome enemies since they strike quickly and then disappear without a trace.

  • Role: Stealth, burst damage, evasion expert.
  • Playstyle: Agile, elusive, excelling in burst damage and tactical engagements.


Guild Wars 2 Thief 2024 Guide


Core Mechanics: Stealth and Initiative

  • Steal Mechanic: Teleport to your target and steal a useful item, each with unique abilities.
  • Initiative: Primary resource for activating weapon skills, regenerates over time.


Trait Lines

  • Deadly Arts: Boosts dagger skills and application of poison.
  • Critical Strikes: Focuses on boosting critical hit damage values.
  • Shadow Arts: Enhances stealth capabilities and provides blindness effects.
  • Acrobatics: Bolsters dodging as well as mobility which spells survival chances.
  • Trickery: Raises stealing ability while improving initiative regeneration rates as well.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Short Bow: good range capacity coupled with maneuverability; 
  • Main Hand: Sword (powerful hits), Dagger (condition DPS), Pistol (bleeds/ immobilizes);
  • Off Hand: Dagger (stealth/ poison), Pistol (control);
  • Elite Spec Weapons: Staff (Daredevil), Rifle (Deadeye), Scepter (Spectre).


Playstyle Overview

  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: Use stealth and quick strikes effectively in combat.
  • Energy Management: Conserving initiative for better sustained fighting efficiency.
  • Stealth Mastery: Use stealth to surprise the enemy and avoid getting hit.


Leveling Tips

  • Initiative Management: Hold on to your initiative until it is most needed during a fight.
  • Stealth Utilization: Escape or start combat with strategic use of stealth.
  • Weapon Experimentation: Try different weapon combinations until you get what you want.


Gear Selection

  • Condition Damage Focus: Go for Viper's gear to maximize condition damage output.
  • Power Builds: Berserker or Marauder gear for strike-focused combat.
  • Defensive Option: Enhance toughness with gear, making it harder to die.


Elite Specializations

  • Daredevil (Heart of Thorns): This is also a physical specialization that adds one more dodge, staff weapon, Deadeye (Path of Fire): Rifle specialization for sniper class that focuses on long range expose both condition damage.
  • Spectre (End of Dragons): With scepter weaponry, this shadowy figure blends condition damage and supportive capabilities.



Complexity, versatility, and creativity are what this class is about. You will be able to adapt to almost any situations Tyria has to offer thanks to numerous tools, kits, and turrets at your service. From laying down a constant stream of grenades to supporting your comrades with ingenious devices the Engineer brings you a new way of playing that is both unique and rewarding.

  • Role: Versatile combatant with a focus on gadgets, turrets, and engineering kits.
  • Playstyle: Mix of direct damage, conditions, and utility with unique mechanical twists.


Guild Wars 2 Engineer 2024 Guide


Core Mechanics: Tool Belt and Kits

  • Tool Belt: It provides extra skills according to the choices made while using various utilities hence giving more room for versatility.
  • Engineering Kits: Grenade Kit or Flamethrower Kit may be used as examples since once equipped they override weapon skills with another set.


Trait Lines

  • Explosives: Damage output improves greatly when using bombs or grenades.
  • Firearms: This focuses on improving weapon skills and condition damage.
  • Inventions: More shields skill are offered by this trait line which increases survivability.
  • Alchemy: Several defensive bonuses and self-sustain abilities are offered here.
  • Tools: Utility in addition to improved tool belt skills is provided through traits from this line.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Limited Choices: Rifle for range and burst damage, Pistol for conditions.
  • Offhand Options: Pistol for additional conditions, Shield for defense.
  • Engineering Kits: Other kits exist such as Bomb Kit or Med Kit that can add more options to your build making it versatile enough on battlefield in terms of control utility or support other engineer professions in different ways. 


Utility Skills

  • Elixirs: Provide various boons or effects depending on the elixir type taken by the character class. 
  • Gadgets: They control crowd as well as provide some forms of defensiveness. 
  • Turrets: Auto defensive systems found in many places.
  • Engineering Kits: By switching to a set of themed abilities you can use a different over-rides and mechanics.


Playstyle Overview

  • Adaptable Combat: This means that the player is able to change tactics quickly by using his kits.
  • Area Control: Turrets and area-denial tools are used to dominate the battlefield.
  • Situational Awareness: Strategies may be altered on the fly through mastering your tool belt.


Leveling Tips

  • Experiment with Kits: Every single kit has its own play style.
  • Turret Placement: Location of turret indispensable for having maximum effect.
  • Manage Cool Downs: Skill bar and other skills should be balanced with each other. 


Gear Selection

  • Power Builds: Direct damage will mean that Berserker's gear must be used in this case. 
  • Condition Damage : For condition based approach, Viper's gear can be worn. 
  • Balanced Approach : For a mix of damage and survivability, Celestial gear can be considered. 


Elite Specializations

  • Scrapper (Heart of Thorns): An addition of defense as well as support aspect by adding hammer.
  • Holosmith (Path of Fire): A focus on high damage and management of heat.
  • Mechanist (End of Dragons): Allows for a versatile combat support using a controllable Mech companion. 



The necromancer offers players an unusual way to play centered on life and death manipulation. In any Tyrian adventure, the Necromancer can be a great force, whether it is commanding undead hordes or crippling enemies with various conditions.

  • Role: Versatile caster with a focus on condition damage, minion control, and survival.
  • Playstyle: Mix of direct damage, conditions, and minion management.


Guild Wars 2 Necromancer 2024 Guide


Core Mechanics: Death Shroud and Life Force

  • Death Shroud: A protective form offering powerful abilities and acting as a secondary health bar.
  • Life Force: Powers the Death Shroud, generated through combat and skill use.


Trait Lines

  • Spite: This trait line concentrates on direct damage and vulnerability of opponents.
  • Curses: It is more into spreading ailments by means of condition damage. 
  • Death Magic: This line reinforces defenses for both you and your minions.
  • Blood Magic: Provides life-steal abilities and supportive skills. 
  • Soul Reaping: More shroud powers and conditions to be applied are given here.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Staff : Long ranged controls and application of conditions. 
  • Scepter/Axe : These are mid range weapons used to apply conditions or do striking damage. 
  • Dagger : Close range life stealing and condition damage. 
  • Offhand Dagger/Focus : This provides control with additional condition capabilities. 
  • Warhorn : For crowd control purposes, life stealing can be done using this item.
  • Upcoming Dual Swords : They enhance strike damage as well as self-healing.


Utility Skills

  • Powerful Effects of Self-inflicting Corruptions
  • Area-of-Effect Wells with Different Outcomes
  • Active Effect Signets as Passive Bonuses.
  • Spectral Skills are Defensive Skills that also Control Crowds.
  • Summoning of Minions in Various Combat Roles.


Playstyle Overview

  • Versatile Combat: Conditions, direct damage and minions for adapting to different situations.
  • Minion Management: Deploy and Control Minions Strategically.
  • Shroud Mastery: For Balance Life Force and Shroud Usage for Survival


Leveling Tips

  • Master Minions: Use minions to draw enemies' attention while you tank them.
  • Focus on Soul Reaping: This will make your Shroud more effective in protracted battles.
  • Maintain Distance: Use Ranged Weapons for Safer Engagements in Combat.


Gear Selection

  • Viper's Gear for Condition Builds: A Choice You Should Never Regret.
  • Berserker's Gear for Power Builds: A Simple but Efficient Option.
  • Celestial Gear for a Balanced Approach: A Mix of Everything You Need.


Elite Specializations

  • Reaper (Heart of Thorns): Melee Prowess with Greatsword and Chill Skills Added.
  • Scourge (Path of Fire): Shades and Barriers Focused on Area Control.
  • Harbinger (End of Dragons): Risky High-Damage Strategy, Using Elixirs and Pistol.



The Elementalist is a class that demands an understanding of the battlefield as well as quick adaptation to its ever-changing condition. Become a force to be reckoned with in Tyria by mastering the art of controlling raw elemental powers. Find victory in surrendering yourself to the elemental dance and letting it guide you through powers of fire, water, air, and earth!

  • Role: A versatile spell caster with fire, water, air, and earth at his disposal.
  • Playstyle: Damage output balance with healing and crowd control through attunement switching.


Guild Wars 2 Elementalist 2024 Guide


Core Mechanics: Attunements and Elemental Control

  • Attunements: Switch between different abilities in Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
  • Fire: Concentrates on burning and strike damage.
  • Water: Mainly healing; chilling; cleansing.
  • Air: Weakness; vulnerability; strike damage; crowd control.
  • Earth: Defense; bleeding; immobilization.


Trait Lines

  • Fire: Boosts fire skills and might gain.
  • Air: Enhances air skills and mobility.
  • Earth: Strengthens earth skills and defensive capabilities.
  • Water: Improves water skills and increases effectiveness of healing spells.
  • Arcane: Enhances attunement swapping and overall versatility.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Staff: Long range AoE Damage & Support
  • Scepter: Mid range balancing Strike & Condition Damage
  • Dagger: Close range high damage & agility
  • Focus/Dagger (off-hand) - Adds utility & defensive skills
  • Upcoming Mainhand Pistol - Concentrating on condition damage


Utility Skills

  • Glyphs: Versatile skill with different effects per attunement
  • Cantrips: Abilities for defense & mobility enhancement
  • Signets: Passive bonuses but powerful active effects
  • Conjured Weapons: Summon temporary weapons with various effects


Playstyle OvervieW

  • Attunement Management is the most important part of playing an Elementalist; constantly switching between them to use different skills.
  • Versatile Combat means adjusting to what is happening using a mix of damage, healing, and control.
  • Situational Awareness requires good judgment on which fights to take with emphasis on mobility and sustain.


Leveling Tips

  • Keybind Attunements: Make sure they're convenient enough for quick switching.
  • Cohesive Traits: Making trait choices look consistent with both chosen attunements and playstyle
  • Practice Weapon Skills: Understand each weapon's behavior in different attunements


Gear Choices

  • General Use: Balanced stats from Celestial gear.
  • Condition Damage: Viper's gear concentrates on conditions.
  • Power Damage:Berserker's gear focuses on direct damage.


Elite Specializations

  • Tempest (Heart of Thorns): Improves support abilities via Overloads and Warhorn
  • Weaver(Path of Fire): Combines elements and dual attunements using sword for complex gameplay.
  • Catalyst (End of Dragons): The elementalist gets a hammer as its new weapon with emphasis on elemental empowerment and burst damage.



The Mesmer is one class which rewards tactical thinking and clever use of illusions. Whether you're bewildering your foes with deceitful clones, manipulating the battlefield with well timed shatters or providing aid to comrades through strategic spells; the Mesmer has something unique for you to enjoy.

  • Role: A versatile spell caster specializing in illusions, confusion and control.
  • Playstyle: Distraction & deception by creating clones & phantasms that focus more on control & indirect damage.


Guild Wars 2 Mesmer 2024 Guide


Core Mechanics: Shatter Abilities and Illusions

  • Shatter Skills: Use illusions to create powerful effects
  • Mind Wrack: Direct strike damage effect
  • Cry of Frustration: Inflicts condition damage effect
  • Diversion - Dazes/Interrupts enemies effect
  • Distortion: Gives temporary invulnerability effect
  • Illusions: Creating clones and phantasms that provide strategic advantages.


Trait Lines

  • Domination: Interrupts & vulnerability infliction.
  • Dueling: Critical strikes & evasion focus.
  • Chaos - Defensive boons and random effects.
  • Inspiration: Supporting allies and defensive capabilities.
  • Illusions: Increase clone effectiveness, shatter abilities.


Weapon Proficiency

  • Greatsword: Long range AoE damage with crowd control
  • Staff: Defensive, applying various conditions
  • Scepter: Mid-range balancing defense and conditions
  • Sword: Melee, evasive & deceptive combat style
  • Focus, Pistol, Torch– Different off-hand utilities.


Utility Skills

  • Illusions: Summon illusions with added effects.
  • Glamour: Create ground-based effects for control and support.
  • Manipulation: Defensive and mobility-enhancing abilities.
  • Mantras: Charge-based skills with supportive effects.
  • Signets: Passive benefits with active effects on use.


Gameplay Strategies

  • Shatter Timing: Utilize shatters effectively for maximum impact.
  • Clone Management: Balance creation and usage of clones for optimal control.
  • Deception and Control: Use illusions to confuse and control the battlefield.


Leveling Tips

  • Focus on Illusions: Maximize clone effectiveness and shatter skills.
  • Use Shatters Wisely: Time your shatters for optimal effect.
  • Experiment with Confusion: Exploit enemies that frequently use skills.


Gear Choices

  • Condition Damage: Viper's gear set for a focus on conditions.
  • Strike Damage: Berserker's or Marauder's gear for direct damage.
  • Balanced Approach: Celestial gear for a well-rounded stat distribution.


Elite Specializations

  • Chronomancer (Heart of Thorns): Manipulates time, adds wells, and utilizes a shield for enhanced control. 
  • Mirage (Path of Fire): Focuses on elusiveness and ambush attacks, with an emphasis on deception. 
  • Virtuoso (End of Dragons): Replaces clones with mind blades for direct damage and a new playstyle.

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